Reminder: Mass today, Wednesday, January 22, is at 7:30 a.m. - our school students have a re-scheduled field trip to attend.
Whatsoever You Do "Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than do evil, to save life rather than destroy it?" (Mark 3:4). Jesus posed this question to the Pharisees in today's gospel passage. On this Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Jesus poses this same question today. As I grow older, I am realizing even more how precious and beautiful life is from conception to natural death. We are all made in the image and likeness of God, and we need to celebrate that precious gift! So, on this day of prayer, I celebrate each one of you! I have chosen an oldie-but-goodie hymn, "Whatsoever You Do" by Willard F. Jabusch, for today's Wednesday Worship.
We have a fantastic group of students and adults going on two mission trips this summer!
Our Middle School Mission Trip Team stays local: In June, our group will be helping out in Freedom with the mission group Love Begins Here, through the Green Bay Diocese.
Also in June, we have 21 high school students that will travel to Knoxville, Tennessee for a mission trip with Catholic Heart Work Camp. For the first time, we will be linking with parishes from Brillion, Sherwood, Chilton, and Appleton. We will all ride the bus and work together. Please consider making a donation to our groups for our mission trips. For $30 you can TAKE STOCK IN OUR YOUTH. In return, we’ll send you emails (while we are away) to let you know what we are accomplishing. You and a guest will also be invited to our Stockholder Appreciation Dinner, upon our return. We will share pictures, stories and dinner with you.
If you are able to support us financially, checks/cash can be dropped off in the Parish or School Office. Please include your name, address, and email address. Checks can be made out to OLOL with Mission Trip in the memo line. Please address envelopes to Traci LaCrosse. Thanks very much!
Whether you can support us financially or not, will you please pray for us while we are away? Thank you for you continued support. God bless you!
Please visit our Scheduler and sign up for spots if you are available. Schedules are made through the end of March.
Please update your profiles by the end of February for April, May, and June for dates when you are not available. Also remember to indicate your Mass preference in your profile. Thanks so much!
You can access schedules here on our website: and scroll down to our Ministry Scheduler Pro button.
**Quick Tip for new Lectors: The first person listed is Lector 1 who does the first reading and reads the petitions.
If you are new to your ministry and need training, please let us know at or give the Parish Office a call at (920) 336-4033.
There is a basket in the Gathering Area for you to drop off items for St. John's. Thank you so much to all who have responded! Kathy Schoendorf, who has been taking the items to the shelter, has been able to bring a wonderful bounty of items! THANKS SO MUCH!
Is God calling you to help out at Mass?
Answer the call...we are ready to help you!
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher, Server, Cross Bearer, Hospitality Member or Greeter, please click on the link below to sign up with our new system, Ministry Scheduler Pro!
Training is available and any help is appreciated!